• info@raiseafricanchilduganda.org

  • Mityana, Uganda -East Africa, Africa.

About Us

Who We Are

RACU is a Non Goverment Community Based Organisation(CBO) for the less previledged children who can hardly afford basic life neccessities such as education, hygienic tools health services and shelter.

Our Mission

To improve proffesional compitence through academic and technical or vocation training for under previledged children to build more reliasble top to bottom managerial and administrative resources, moulding aspiring officers and other most needed resourceful management through school training of our children

Our Values

  • Empathy
  • Honesty
  • Transparency

Our Vision

To provide education expiriences which will prepare our children for a career stressing the important sense of ethical behaviour and having personal responsibility towards the ideas of their professions so as to increase the techical and professional compitence plus self esteem of the children and the public service and private sector.

What We Do

  • Seeking out sponsorship for children's education.
  • Senstizing our members and the youths about health and sanitation.
  • Organising free HIV testing and couselling sessions.
  • Supporting income generating ventures for our single mothers initiatives through raising capital, marketing and research.
  • Offering practical entreprenuership skills to the young people and the youth of the community.